Купить Nature's Answer, Body Wash — Essential Oil, Peppermint, 16 Fl oz (474 ml) на IHerb

Узнать цену Nature's Answer, Body Wash — Essential Oil, Peppermint, 16 Fl oz (474 ml) на официальном сайте iHerb

Nature's Answer, Body Wash - Essential Oil, Peppermint, 16 Fl oz (474 ml)

Промокод iHerb — указывайте MAT6375 для покупки Nature's Answer, Body Wash — Essential Oil, Peppermint, 16 Fl oz (474 ml) со скидкой 5-15%. Купить со скидкой


  • Since 1972
  • With Tea & Lavender Essential Oils Citrus, Argan & Jojoba Oils
  • Citrus Peel
  • Sage
  • Tea Tree
  • Jojoba
  • Ginger Root
  • Rosemary
  • Advanced Technology — Botanical Fingerprint
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Gluten-Free
  • Cruelty Free — Not Tested On Animals

Enjoy Invigorating & Nourishing Total Body Cleansing Head-to-Toe!

The Genius of Mother Nature in Every Bottle — Just as She Intended

Nature’s Answer Essential Oil-Infused Peppermint Body Wash, Cleanses, Nourishes, Moisturizes, and Protects.

Our Peppermint Body Wash is made with an extraordinary blend of natural essential oils and botanicals to pamper even the most sensitive skin. It’s formulated to gently remove soil, excess oils, environmental pollutants and dead skin residues without over-drying. The naturally aromatic properties from the essential oils and botanicals invigorate and stimulate the senses, while awarding you with skin refreshingly clean, hydrated and naturally glowing. In addition to energizing, upliftingly-fresh and skin-brightening Citrus peel, we’ve selected Sage as a key ingredient for this luxurious wash because it provides a wide spectrum of beneficial cleansing compounds and nutrients, it does not strip, dehydrate or irritate the skin.

Рекомендации по Применению

Dispense a small amount onto your hands, sponge, body pouf or loofah and smooth it all over your skin to gently exfoliate and thoroughly cleanse. Pamper yourself in the intoxicating aroma and moisture-rich lather. Rinse well and towel dry.

Другие Ингредиенты

Вода, децилглюкозид, лауроил лактилат натрия, тартрат коко-глюкозида натрия, кошамидопропилгидроксисультаин, глицерин, масло листьев розмарина (розмариновое масло), масло семян шампанского (масло семян), масло шалфея лекарственного вещества (шалфея), масло ядра аргании-спинозы, мента масло пипетки (мяты перечной), масло мелалеука alternifolia (чайное дерево), * корневое масло zingiber officinale (имбирь), * цитрусовое аурантиальное дульцис (апельсиновое) масло от шелухи, * масло лавандулы angustifolia, гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза, * масло цитрусовых Auurantium bergamia (бергамот) , гуаровый гидроксипропилтримонийхлорид, лимонная кислота, феноксиэтанол, этилгексилглицерин.

* Сертифицированный органический.

Парабена / сульфатов.


Keep out of sight and reach of children. Do not use this product if you are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients. If you experience discomfort or irritation, stop using the product. Do not use if container is damaged. Only use as directed. If your condition worsens or persists, discontinue and seek medical attention.