Купить Mason Naturals, Экстракт расторопши (силимарина), формула очищения печени, 60 капсул на IHerb

Узнать цену Mason Naturals, Экстракт расторопши (силимарина), формула очищения печени, 60 капсул на официальном сайте iHerb

Mason Naturals, Экстракт расторопши (силимарина), формула очищения печени, 60 капсул

Промокод iHerb — указывайте MAT6375 для покупки Mason Naturals, Экстракт расторопши (силимарина), формула очищения печени, 60 капсул со скидкой 5-15%. Купить со скидкой


  • Standardized Extract
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Mason Guarantee — Laboratory Tested

Studied and Shown to promote healthy, vibrant liver function and help rid toxins from the body

This product is a superior quality herbal extract that has been standardized by the principal active ingredient in the herb — silymarin. Standardized Herbal extracts maintain a consistent level of benefits in dose after dose. Mason Vitamins brings you the very best in herbal quality so you can feel the difference. To further enhance liver health, take this product with any one of Mason’s quality lecithin products.

Рекомендации по Применению

Directions: Adults, take 2 capsules two times daily as a dietary supplement, preferably with meals or as recommended by a healthcare professional. Use continuously for best results.

Другие Ингредиенты

Дикальций фосфат, стеарат магния и желатин.

Гарантировано Нет Добавлено: сахар, натрий, дрожжи, соя, кукуруза, пшеница, крахмал, глютен, ароматизаторы, молочные продукты, яйца, искусственные красители и консерванты.


If printed heat induces seal appears to be tampered with, do not use product.

Keep out of reach of children.

Store in a dry, controlled room environment.

Precautions: No serious or significant adverse reactions or drug interactions have been reported to date with the use of Milk Thistle. A mild, laxative effect may occur in some individuals and usually lasts for only 2 to 3 days. As with any supplement, consult your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking a prescription medicine or if you are pregnant or nursing a child.

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 2 капсулы
Порций в упаковке: 30
Количество на порцию % Дневная стоимость
Молочный чертополох (silybum marianum) (семена) (стандартизированный до 80% силимарина) 300 мг *
**Суточная доза не определена