Купить Irwin Naturals, Оксид Азота Перед Тренировкой, 60 жидких капсул на IHerb

Узнать цену Irwin Naturals, Оксид Азота Перед Тренировкой, 60 жидких капсул на официальном сайте iHerb

Irwin Naturals, Оксид Азота Перед Тренировкой, 60 жидких капсул

Промокод iHerb — указывайте MAT6375 для покупки Irwin Naturals, Оксид Азота Перед Тренировкой, 60 жидких капсул со скидкой 5-15%. Купить со скидкой


  • Plus MCT’s & Beet Root
  • With L-Citrulline
  • Pre-Workout Booster
  • Advanced Energy Activator for Maximum Physical Response
  • Dietary Supplement

Nitric Oxide Pre-Sport — is designed to help you maximize performance when you workout or participate in any sporting activity. When it comes to performance, Nitric Oxide is key. Nitric Oxide is a naturally-occurring compound in the body that plays a key role in cardiovascular health. Nitric Oxide is produced in the inner lining of blood vessels and helps to relax and dilate vessels, allowing more blood to flow throughout the body. This unique formula features L-Citrulline, an amino acid that is readily converted to L-Arginine, which can then be converted into Nitric Oxide within the body.

This powerful formula also includes Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s). MCT’s are a preferred source of quick cellular energy. They are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and immediately converted into energy at the cellular level. Nitric Oxide Pre-Sport also contains Yerba Mate and Ginseng, specialized ingredients traditionally used to help increase the feeling of energy and Ginkgo traditionally used to support blood circulation.

This product can be taken an hour before engaging in any sporting activity or can be taken daily for ongoing maintenance.

What Makes Us Different:

Liquid Soft-Gels — The Nutrients in these easy-to-swallow Liquid Soft-Gels are released fast.

Quality Assurance — Irwin Naturals’ is committed to providing the highest quality products for your health. We employ compliance testing to ensure purity and potency.

Patented BioPerine — BioPerine enhances the bioavailability, absorption and potency of many nutrients.

Рекомендации по Применению

(Adult) Take two (2) Liquid Soft-Gels twice per day with a meal. For a more immediate effect, take four (4) Liquid Soft-Gels one hour before activity. Do not exceed four (4) Liquid Soft-Gels per day.

Другие Ингредиенты

Желатин, очищенная вода, глицерин, пчелиный воск, соевый лецитин, карамельный цвет, аннато, диоксид кремния, ст. john’s хлеб и диоксид титана.

Содержит: соевые орехи (кокосовые орехи, пальмовое ядро)

Никаких консервантов не добавлено.


Do not use if safety seal is broken. This product contains ingredients that may affect blood pressure and/or heart conditions. Check with your doctor before using this product and engaging in activity, if you are using medication or have any medical conditions, including heart disease or high blood pressure. Individuals with low blood pressure should not take this product. Do not exceed 90 days of continuous use of this product without a two (2) week break. Do not use if you may become pregnant, are pregnant or nursing. Do not exceed recommended daily intake. Not intended for use by persons under 18. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.

Warning: (State of California Prop 65) This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects and other reproductive harm.

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 2 жидких мягких геля
Количество порций в контейнере: 30
Количество на порцию: % Дневная стоимость
Масло средней цепи триглицерида (MCT) 1000 мг
L-цитруллин 750 мг
Свекольный порошок (корень) 60 мг
L-Теанин 50 мг
Экстракт Гинкго (24% флавоновых гликозидов, 6% терпеновых лактонов) (лист) 40 мг
Кайенский порошок (30 000 SHU) (фрукты) 30 мг
Mate (Yerba Mate) порошок (лист) 20 мг
Экстракт азиатского женьшеня (80% гинсенозидов) (корень) 15,62 мг
Комплекс BioPerine
Экстракт экстракта Bioperine Black Pepper (95% пиперина) (плод), экстракт имбиря (5% гингеролов) (корневище)
3 мг
†Суточная доза не определена.