Купить Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals, Фосфатен, Вкус экзотических фруктов, 500 г на IHerb

Узнать цену Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals, Фосфатен, Вкус экзотических фруктов, 500 г на официальном сайте iHerb

Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals, Фосфатен, Вкус экзотических фруктов, 500 г

Промокод iHerb — указывайте MAT6375 для покупки Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals, Фосфатен, Вкус экзотических фруктов, 500 г со скидкой 5-15%. Купить со скидкой


  • HPLC Pure Creatine Complex
  • With Creatine HCL
  • With Creatine Nitrate
  • Dietary Supplement

In the early 1990s, EAS introduced its original brand of creatine monohydrate and thus sparked the first great revolution into the sport nutrition market. Since the release Phosphagen, Hi-Tech has worked diligently to develop a creatine product that would represent the same quantum leap in nutritional technology and consume values that EAS’ Phosphagen did. Now, nearly twenty years after EAS launched Phosphagen, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is launching a new and improved Phosphagen!

The new Phosphagen optimizes the benefits of creatine supplementation because it doesn’t just stop with incorporating the finest ingredients to enhance creatine availability for utilization in the phosphagen system. The new Phosphagen also incorporates ingredients that crate a synergistic effect with creatine by enhancing creatine uptake and by delaying the onset of muscular fatigue during intense muscular contraction. This provides the creatine ingredients in Phosphagen with the opportunity to continue to perform longer in the phosphagen system, which extends the duration and intensity of muscular contraction to elicit a greater hypertrophic response. Thus, the bodybuilder who wisely chooses Phosphagen over another typical creatine product will have the extra amount of muscle fuel available to complete the one additional rep required to pull trigger for muscles to grow.

Phosphagen is back to maximize the creatine endgame with renewed thinking outside the creatine box, which represents what creatine supplementation is capable of achieving in its most aggressive and comprehensive form, Phosphagen, by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals…more weight…more reps…more muscle!

Рекомендации по Применению

On training days: To optimize creatine uptake and PCr deposition for enhanced muscle work performance and muscular development, take 1 scoop of Phosphagen with 8-10 ounces of water 20-30 minutes prior to training. On non-training days: To volumize muscle cells, speed recovery, and maximize saturation of PCr stores, take 1 scoop of Phosphagen with 8-10 ounces of water anytime as desired during the day.

Другие Ингредиенты

Малиновая кислота, лимонная кислота, стеариновая кислота, естественно сладкий (эритрит, мальтит, мальтодекстрин, ксилит, тагатоза, сукралоза), кремнезем, натуральный и искусственный ароматизатор.

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 1 куча совок (15 грамм)
Порций в контейнере: 33
Количество на порцию %Дневная стоимость
Собственная смесь с технологиями Micro-Rx и Extend-Rx:
Креатин HCI, нитрат кетатина, динатрий креатинфосфат тетрагидрат,
Бета-аланин, креатин креатин фосфат, гуанидинопропионовая кислота
12,5 г *
*Суточная доза не определена