Купить Giovanni, Wellness System Scalp Serum, 1 oz. на IHerb

Узнать цену Giovanni, Wellness System Scalp Serum, 1 oz. на официальном сайте iHerb

Giovanni, Wellness System Scalp Serum, 1 oz.

Промокод iHerb — указывайте MAT6375 для покупки Giovanni, Wellness System Scalp Serum, 1 oz. со скидкой 5-15%. Купить со скидкой


  • With Chinese Botanicals
  • Use as Needed
  • Super Potent Concentrate
  • Eco Chic Technology
  • Eco Chic Hair Care

Where traditional Chinese botanicals and modern sciences meet, creating a wellness system of holistic hair & scalp care

Use as Needed
botanicals wellness benefits for hair & scalp
An Mole antioxidant & keeps hair elastic
Hei Zhi Ma* soothes a dry itchy scalp
Jia Ma Chi Xian* strengthens hair roots
Mo Han Lian* strengthens & helps keep color
Wu Huan Zi restores lustre
+ Wellness Scalp Serum enhanced with
Panax Ginseng promotes healthy hair growth
Mulberry Fruit Increases circulation to hair roots

A few drops of this precious serum massaged on the scalp will instantly energize and invigorate hair roots and stimulate for better circulation and delivery of nutrients. It also helps with scalp irritations due to environmental factors such as pollution or stress.

Get to the root of it all…with the quick action of Wellness System Scalp Serum- a super potent concentrate of traditional Chinese botanicals with well known hair & scalp benefits combined with the highest quality Western ingredients.

Repair. Protect. Restore. Strengthen. Achieve them all one drop at a time.

  • Scalp & Follicle-Focused Holistic Formulation
  • Soothes Dry & Itchy Scalp
  • Strengthens Hair Roots
  • Nourishes New Hair Growth
  • Improves Scalp Circulation

Get to the root of it all…with the quick action Wellness System Scalp Serum — a super potent concentrate of traditional Chinese botanicals with well known hair & scalp benefits combined with the highest quality Western ingredients.

Enriched with antioxidant Ginsenosides from panax ginseng, powerful vitamins and intense nutrients from sesame seed, gooseberry and mulberry extracts, plus luxurious moisturizers to hydrate your scalp. This serum cleans, conditions and hydrates the scalp while delivering nourishment to the roots and hair follicles. It’s a hair and scalp genie in a dropper!

Рекомендации по Применению

Directions for a Healthier Scalp: Use dropper & apply a liberal amount throughout the scalp. Gently massage in circular motion and leave-on for 3-5 minutes. Rinse with Wellness System Shampoo followed by Wellness System Conditioner. Use 3 times a week for maximum wellness.

Другие Ингредиенты

Аква (очищенная вода), глицерин, цетеариловый спирт, каприловый / каприновый триглицерид, пантенол (провитамин В-5), экстракт семян сезама (кунжут) [hei zhi ma], фруктовый экстракт emblica officinalis [моль] Экстракт эклипта prostrata [mo han lian], экстракт плодов сапиндус мукуросси [wu huan zi], экстракт bacopa monniera [jia ma chi xian], экстракт фруктов morus alba (шелковица), экстракт корень женьшеня (гинсенозид), * ??алоэ barbadensis Алоэ вера), соевого масла simmondsia chinensis (жожоба), ксантановой смолы, полисорбата 20, сорбита, ментола, дегидроуксусной кислоты, бензилового спирта, феноксиэтанола, лимонной кислоты, натурального ароматизатора.

* Сертифицированный USDA органический

100% вегетарианские ингредиенты

Мы не добавляем парабены, лаурилсульфат или сульфат к этому продукту


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