Купить Davidson's Tea, Органический классический чай с ромашкой и фруктами, без кофеина, 25 пакетиков, 50 г (1,77 унция) на IHerb

Узнать цену Davidson's Tea, Органический классический чай с ромашкой и фруктами, без кофеина, 25 пакетиков, 50 г (1,77 унция) на официальном сайте iHerb

Davidson's Tea, Органический классический чай с ромашкой и фруктами, без кофеина, 25 пакетиков, 50 г (1,77 унция)

Промокод iHerb — указывайте MAT6375 для покупки Davidson's Tea, Органический классический чай с ромашкой и фруктами, без кофеина, 25 пакетиков, 50 г (1,77 унция) со скидкой 5-15%. Купить со скидкой


  • Pure and Flavorful Herbal Blend
  • USDA Organic
  • Organic & Caffeine-Free
  • Certified Organic by OTCO
  • Celebrating 40th Anniversary

David’s Organics

Our philosophy remains the same since our journey began in 1976. We’ve worked tirelessly to develop blends that are true reflections of their names, while being committed to sourcing healthy ingredients grown by generations of skilled small farmers since the early 1900s engaging in sustainable, socially responsible agricultural practices. As the first exclusively organic tea purveyor, we bring you the finest fresh organic tea for the most discerning palates. Enjoy Davidson’s Organics, the organic tea that sets the standards for the highest quality.

Our Promise to You

While honoring you mind and body, we invite you to experience the great rewards of drinking tea when the flavors are true and exhilarating, and when ingredients are pure and uncompromised. So enjoy every sip of the purest organic tea, direct from our farm to your cup, and toast to our collective wellbeing together.

Uniquely Davidson’s

We grow oru tea.

We import our tea.

We blend or tea.

We package our tea.

Chamomile & Fruit Classic Tea

Chamomile & Fruit herbal tea combines that natural sweet character of premium organic Egyptian chamomile with the fresh fruit flavors or orange, lemon and the sweet tartness of rosehips. Delicious hot, served with lemon and a touch of honey, or iced, garnished with slices of citrus fruit. Caffeine-free.

Рекомендации по Применению

Brewing Instructions:

Place 1 tea bag in mug. Add boiling water and steep for a full 5-7 minutes. Make a pot at a time by adding multiple tea bags to your favorite tea pot — brew for the same time. Add milk or sweetener as desired.

Другие Ингредиенты

Органические шиповники, органическая ромашка, органическая апельсиновая корка и органический лимонный мирт.

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 1 пакетик чая — 8 унций. вода
Количество на порцию %Дневная стоимость*
Калории 0
Всего жиров 0 г 0%
натрий 0 мг 0%
Всего углеводов 0 г 0%
Sugars 0 г
белка 0 г 0%
* Процент дневной нормы основаны на диете в 2000 калорий.